Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Expanded Moment


The sweet feeling of writing your feelings. I love writing. So that is why I am going to begin posting stories and little writing stuff and well as blogging about my day. So the first writing piece I will put up here is something I wrote a few minutes ago for my Language Arts class. I think its pretty good. It is based off an experience I had this summer at my school well getting my school stuff. So here yea go! Enjoy!

# 1 Expanded Moment: Instead of speeding past a moment, writers often emphasize it by “ expanding” the actions.

After taking my school photo and getting my schedule, I headed with my Mom to find my locker. I suddenly remembered what had taken place last year, and my heart stopped, I really hope he isn't there. I thought in my head. As we rounded the corner I kept pleading in my head for him NOT to be there. I started to feel like I couldn't breath, when I looked over at my mom I forced a smile on my face, only to find out he was there. My heart started pounding loudly and so forcefully I thought everyone could hear it. Please don't come over here, and please don't notice me. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping, no, praying for him to not notice me. “ Hey!” He shouted out to me. Oh SHOOT!! I thought as I heard him, but I could do was reply with a weak smile and a “ Hi” back. As we were walking away my mom decided to find out who he was. “ Who's that?” my mom questioned. “ One Of my friends.” I replied quickly. “ OOOHH.” She replied. SHUT UP!! I thought. Everything that I didn't want to happen happened, starting with that little incident.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bonjouir Autumn!!

How I love the cold days of Autumn!

My life is going off course, Tyler knows I like him... My friends are going out of their way to tell him over and over again.
I don't even want to go anywhere near what I want to do to Trevor and Dylan ( My cousins.) They gave me a BUNCH of bull-crap this weekend. Maybe this photo will help...

               He He he.... I will stalk u in the middle of the night and shoot u!! HAHAHAHAHA!!

In other news, I had a awesome time at the Cider Mill. All the cold minutes eating donuts and playing in the choo coo train, and the hayride car.... Yea.