Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Kiss My Blue

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Music Babe

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Flynn Rider

I <3 Vintage

I Am Me {Poem}

  I Am Me
By: Lexi Walker

I am unique and a photographer.
I wonder were I'll be after high school.
I hear applause in the distance calling me.
I see the bright lights on a stage.
I want to walk in London, drinking tea in a cafe with friends.

I pretend I'm a princess.
I feell the warm sun on my skin.
I touch the rough cement of a old building.
I worry about not reaching my goals.
I cry when things get horrible.
I am much more than you know.

I understand life, and how it can get hard.
I say my best friend katie is the best.
I dream that love will never die, and god will be forgiving.
I try to be the best I can be, even when it's hard.
   I hope you'll understand me.
I am me, and that's all I have to be.
~ Lexi 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Anthropologie & Honors English

                                                      {Weird title. But, This post will explain.}

Loving: My new Anthropolige catalog. :D :D :D
Quote Love: " I'm not a robot programmed to be perfect." - Victoria Justice

Yes, this is a picture. Of... *leans closer* bubbles. My cousin's came over for a sleepover on Saturday. The next day the parents left us at home. And Dlyan found the bubble machine. I kid you not, the backyard was filled with them. We get turning if off because we thought we saw their car. 

Then, we got the things called B'loonies. They're like balloons you bllow up, but they aren't the plastic kind that last forever. And a word of warning, don't suck in. It tastes disgusting. You could get high off of it.

About the Honors English, I'm signing up for that. :D/ >.<

~ Lexi

Monday, April 11, 2011



Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunshine is AWESOME

OK, so I was looking at the winners post on Horsefeathers, and I was in the higlights!!! I'm the mini Rachel Berry. :D

Check it out.

~ Lexi

Friday, April 8, 2011

Let's Go Into Detail

OK. This post is going to be full of pictures. But they aren't mine. They will help explain my story though. So lets go!

This is what I was thining the window would look like, there's a better looking picture here.

This a sketch that I thought showed the length of Anastasia's hair.

This is a human form of Flynn. If you have checked out my character page, you would see that I have a cartoon picture.

(Via Unknown)

This is what I was thinking the meadow would look like, except, a smaller landscape.


This would be important to her story. But I'm not tellin' ya!

This some what explains what they feel like when they meet each other again.


This is what Anastasia would look like. This shows the combination of hair and eye color.

~ Lexi

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Photo Challenge: Spring

Yay, spring.

We finally had a good day today. Warm and sunny. :D

~ Lexi

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lovely Photo Wednesday

Yay, I'm so glad it's back! I missed looking at everyone's photos!

Anyways, my photo is from today. I went to the mall, to go see all the Cars 2 cars. The line was so big, we could actually go into stores, and snap photos, of course, I did.

~ Lexi