Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Anthropologie & Honors English

                                                      {Weird title. But, This post will explain.}

Loving: My new Anthropolige catalog. :D :D :D
Quote Love: " I'm not a robot programmed to be perfect." - Victoria Justice

Yes, this is a picture. Of... *leans closer* bubbles. My cousin's came over for a sleepover on Saturday. The next day the parents left us at home. And Dlyan found the bubble machine. I kid you not, the backyard was filled with them. We get turning if off because we thought we saw their car. 

Then, we got the things called B'loonies. They're like balloons you bllow up, but they aren't the plastic kind that last forever. And a word of warning, don't suck in. It tastes disgusting. You could get high off of it.

About the Honors English, I'm signing up for that. :D/ >.<

~ Lexi

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