Sunday, April 3, 2011

Liquid Sunshine Blog Party

* 101th post*

Favorite season, and why?
Summer. I like summer because I can show my fashion sense more. And I can wear shorts. And it's very warm and pretty in the summer. :D

How would you describe your personal style? 
Hmmm.... Well I can say that I am vintage and modern. And I'm very girly and love dresses, leggings, T-shirts, belts, and skinny jeans.

 What's one weird thing you can do? (The stranger the better!)
I can do this really creepy laugh thats like a psycho killer's clown laugh. Mhmm. That gives me a REALLY creepy picture.

Rain or shine?
Both. In rain you could have a awesome rain photoshoot, or in shine, a yellow photoshoot.

Confession time... what's a flaw of yours?
I have a big ego. I'm a mini Rachel Berry. Well, I do know how to control my ego.

Favorite music?
Ke$ha, Broadway music, Glee, and my favorite song right now is Beggin' On Your Knees.

Have you ever made a decision you instantly regretted? What was it?
Last year I didn't go trick or treating. :(

Who do you admire/look up to?
Eponine. Yes, I look up to a fictional character. She's awesome though.

You've just won an unlimited lifetime supply of... what?
Clothes, Makeup, and jewlery. :D

If you were an animal, what would you be?
Kitten. Just laying around, sitting on peoples laps, getting petted. Aaaahh.

If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you do with your time?
Preform in a broadway show.

You're now a gazillionaire... where do you go to spend your money?
On the stuff I said that I won a lifetime supply of. Aaaahh.

Classical music: love it or hate it?
Eeehh. I can tolerate some of it.

Dieing in my sleep.

Hop on a plane and go live somewhere for a year... where is it, and why?
London or New York City. Broadway and for the London Eye, I've always wanted to go there and try it.

Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
Hugs or handshakes please.

Would you/do you perform on stage?
I preform on stage, and I am in a theater group this summer. :D

~ Lexi

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2.) No rude comments. Ex- You're weird.
3.) Please no text talk. It gets hard to read. And I don't know it all.
4.) Have fun!

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