Thursday, January 27, 2011


The days of winter slowly fade away as the snow melts and the temperature rises. The warmth feels good, but I will miss the beautiful snow.

Currently the " beautiful snow" is slush on the roads. It's getting ALL over my knit Uggs. Gah. 

I'm going to say sorry in advance. I don't  have my camera, so it's a boring, picture-less posts. Ack. 

In this post, I am going to give you all the goals for me in 2011.

1.) Buy some stuff off Etsy.
2.) Read 18 books. Maybe more.
3.) Do a photoshoot of me and my friends. I have yet to do that.
4.) Do a 2 week photo challenge.

And now... a sneak peek at my mustache post. :{D


Epicness. :{D

Nerd Glasses (And Mustaches) Are Epic,

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