Saturday, January 22, 2011

In My Mailbox #1

OK, so IMM is a meme hosted by The Story Siren.

So In my mail box today is.......................................................................

1 book.

1 BOOK. That's not cool in my book. { Hahahaha} But, I have an excuse. I couldn't find any of the books that I want at Borders. :(

So onto my ONE BOOK.

Airhead By Meg Cabot.

Have fun with more books with out me. :(

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Hello and thank you for commenting on my blog!

I'm pretty easy going, but I do have some rules.

1.) Please no swearing, or causing fights.
2.) No rude comments. Ex- You're weird.
3.) Please no text talk. It gets hard to read. And I don't know it all.
4.) Have fun!

Thank you for commenting!
