Friday, January 28, 2011

End Of Exams (FINALLY!!)

Yet another post for today. Not really an unusal thing for me.

The reason for all of my double, maybe triple post per day is because of the week I'm having. Currently this week I had 2 whole day of school, then 3 half days. Of course because of exams. (I had 3. French, U.S. History, and English.) My French exam was 120 questions. I was SO scared when she said 100. Then added that there were 20 listening questions. EEK!


I was SO nervous for the French exam, but it was actually really easy. If you pay attention in class.

Today was a nerve bursting day for me as well. I had to do my Quakeville project. Let me tell ya what goes on.

Our group had to build a building that could survive a earthquake. We had to chose were to build, what matierals to use, blah blah blah. Then today, we had to test our building on a super magical "earthquake" A.K.A. a special machine that shaked really really fast.

What was funny was that some people, actually BUILT on the fault line. So that means they had to go on the big table. Which equals really fast shakeys. :p

Thank LORD that we built on bedrock. Our building survived! I was SO relived. (I almost cried when it was our building turn. Stupid girl hormones. Oh, and one girl actually cried. I felt for her.)

In other news, I have a fasination with those little diswasher packet thingys. You no what I'm talking about, right? I love squishing them and seeing wich one as the most dishwasher stuff in it. Just call me crazy.

The reason for the sudden outburst for my love of dishwasher packets is becuase I just did the dishes. Gah.

Also, I found some AWESOME needle felt animals on Etsy, so go check em' out. :D

Nerd Glasses Are Epic,

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