Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm In Love... With Clothes

OMM. ( btw, that means Oh My Monkeys. xD) 

Thank you SOOO much to Olivia from Horse Feathers for introducing me to Polyvore. I <3 it!!!! So, I created a few creations. Enjoy!!!

Creation # 1: Blue Geek

For those blue & Spongebob  lovin' geeks.

 Creation # 2: Frilly In Love 

I <3 the pumps. I want them NOW. :D

Creation # 3: Summer Nerd

I LOVE this outfit. I really want that tank top. 
Creation # 4: All You Need Is Boho

 Creation # 5: Winter Pops

I like the yellow bag with the calm colors. It's totally the statement piece. 

 Creation # 6: Fashion Kitty

For that fashionable kitty.

Creation # 7: I <3 Pink & Gold

Creation # 8: Golden Clothes

Looky what I found! It's the dress from Glee!!

 Creation # 9: The Princess Black

I <3 those shoes. :D

Creation # 10: The Purple Beach

Love that beach bag. But then I would need $1,235 dollars. Anyone?

Creation # 11: Get Ur Nerd On

Nerds BABY!!

Nerd Glasses Are Epic,

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