Saturday, March 5, 2011

Blog Party: Thoughts Of Spring @ Dancing Barefoot

How would people describe your personality? (If they could use ONE word.) Are they right? 
Hmm.. Probably girly. They are more tomboy. They tease me for my nails and girliness. (Is that even a word?)

What celebrity/celebrities would create a “Star-Struck” feeling if you saw them in real life?
Nick Jonas. Yumminess. :D

Who is your favorite blogger? Why?
Shilah. And Olivia. They just brighten my day when a new blog post comes from their blog. :D

What is your comfort food/drink?
My comfort food would be cake batter. My comfort drink would be root beer.

Be brave – tell us something very random and weird about yourself.
I dance around in a fedora when I'm at my cousin's house.

Do you have a strong desire to do something you’ve never done? What is it?
Sing songs from Broadway in the hallway at school. But, people would look weirdly at me.

Movies: Action, Drama, Romantic Comedy, Documentary, Comedy? What are your favorite genres?
Romantic. And movies set in the 1800s. I'm stuck in that time period. :)

Books: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Romance, Biographies, True Stories, Self-Help, Devotional/Study? What are your favorite types of reading material?
Fiction, fantasy, and Romance.

Music: Funk, Rock, Country, Jazz, Classical, Film Score, Blues, Classic Rock, Crooner, Alternative, Heavy Metal, Techno? What are your favorite types?

If you inherited a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with your money?
Buy books, music, and tickets to a broadway show. :D

Name one weakness of yours (confession is good for the soul).
Clingy friends.

If you could live anywhere at all (and take all your loved ones with you), where would you go?
New York City.

Strange Talent? Can you juggle basketballs, put your legs behind your head or perform some other strange feat?
No. :(

What’s something you consider yourself to be good at? (Don’t worry, it’s not bragging, it’s acknowledging a God given gift).
Singing. And acting.

What is one of your favorite things to catch a whiff of?
Cake cooking, vanilla, and chocolate chips.

When you leave a social gathering, do you wish: You would have talked more or You would have talked less?
Talked more.

If money wasn’t a factor, what stores would you shop in?

What is your greatest fear or strange phobia?
When we hit a really big bump on the road, and I have a large textbook on my lap, I'm scared it will break my legs.

What is your greatest accomplishment?
Getting the lead in my drama class.

What are your favorite animals?
A lepoard cub.

Are you a hopeless romantic?

What movie or book character can you most relate to?
Eponine from Les Misérables.

The Princess,

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I'm pretty easy going, but I do have some rules.

1.) Please no swearing, or causing fights.
2.) No rude comments. Ex- You're weird.
3.) Please no text talk. It gets hard to read. And I don't know it all.
4.) Have fun!

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