Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oh Boy

I see a 1463 page book in my future. Oh, wait. It's not in my future, it's sitting in front of me nagging me to go over to my armchair and read it. It's name is Les Misérables. :D 

I have these fake french nails on. They are uber cute, yet very hard to type on a laptop on. Maybe it's just the sticky keys on my keyboard. 

as you can see I got Beastly. But I have to wait until I finish Les Misérables.

Good news is I am finally getting around to writing my character bios, yet my computer is being mean. Sigh. This is the main reason I want to have a Macbook. >.<

I'm actually still in my pajamas. and I have to go to a French Meeting. Blah.

the Princess,

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