Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Writing Gala Day: 4

I meant to do the rest, but sadly, not enough time to do so. Sigh.

I'm doing the "profile" for my character,Anastasia, from my book. (Note: this is before she grows up. She's about 8 in this profile.)

Happiest memory: Meeting Flynn.
Laugh hard: When my father got a pie in the face. That was truly funny.
What you don't want anyone to know: I wore breeches once. Oh, how Mother would have my head if she knew!
Best part of your personality: I'm very kind.
Clothes do you usually wear: Long dresses.Usually blue, green, or pink
Some things you’re not very good at: Walking with books on my head.
How would your best friend describe how you look: My best friend... isn't here, so I wouldn't know. He probably wouldn't say anything nice... He left, that says it all.
What irritates you: People not saying goodbye. And bugs.
What are you afraid of: Losing someone I love.
About your family: My daddy is the king of France. My Mommy, the queen. Of course I'm the princess. I don't have any siblings, but I do have a mouse named Charles.
What does your bedroom look like: Very large. A big bed, mostly the colors pink and white. A bay window looking out onto the land in front of the tower. There's also a window looking out into the back, where the waterfall is located.
What do your think of yourself when you look in the mirror: Future queen.
Most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you: Spilling blueberry jam on my dress.
What do you really, REALLY want more than anything else I the world: For Flynn to write. I wonder what he looks like now....
Heart’s Desire: Get married to Flynn.

The princess, 

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