Monday, March 7, 2011

Can You Hear Me Sing?

Cause it's sounding good!

I'm practicing for the talent show that my school has every year. I didn't sign up the past years, but I'm ready to do it this year, because I have found the perfect song. I'm doing On My Own. I've been practicing for some time now. do you guys want me to post a video of me singing it?

Anyways, I was falling asleep last night {and thinking about how my story will go.;)} and I came up with this little tid bit. Check it out and tell me what you think.

" If you could look into her small body, you could see her heart in the pit of her stomach, shattered into millions of tiny pieces."
                                                                              ~  Prologue, page 3

Any good? I've gotten onto page 859 for L.M. I'm seeing the play on March 27th. WHOO HOO!!!
( Mkay, I got a little crazy.)

The Princess,

P.S. Thank you Cosette for following my blog! Now I'm not following myself! LOL.

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