Monday, February 28, 2011

On My Own

Loving: The play Les Misérables. And Nick Jonas. ;)
Reading: Les Miserables. I'm seeing the play in March. :D

I am falling love with the play, Les Misérables. I'm also reading the book so I can understand the play better.

Some of my favorite musical numbers are 'On My Own' and 'At The End Of Day' one of funnier ones that I like is 'Master Of The House'. One of the sad ones are 'I Dreamed a Dream'.

Short, yes, but I am planning *2*  more posts for today.

The Princess,

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Funny Things

How to start this post? 

Uh, Lexi?

You just started the post with that.

Oh, I did, thank you Mind.
You're always welcome, since I came up with this post stuff anyways...

A funny thing that happened today was during my English class. I sit next to this boy named John, He's a friend, I was wearing a headband today and he likes to take my stuff, so he grabbed it off my head and stuck it on his head.
John: This hurts! How do you wear this?!
Me: I'm a girl. I'm used to it. Because they're made for girls
John: Still though, HOW do you wear THIS?!
Me: I'm a girl.

We actually had a really old sub for today, so he was totally out of it. John tried waving at him. Like really 'waving' at him. {Imagine a boy with brown short hair waving his arms in a big motion. Yep, that's my friend for ya.}

Another funny thing is that he got a hair cut, and he called the little part that sticks up and out, 'The Wing'. 

Also, can you believe it's Thursday? I can't.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

* Ignore this is for Blog Lovin'*

<a href="">Follow my blog with bloglovin</a>

The Emo: Fashion 2.22.11

I have been wanting to do this FOREVER.  Yet, if you're one person with one camera, it can get a little crazy. Especially if you have a big fat kitty in your room wanting petting. Yep, that is my life for ya. :D

Jeans: Guess
Dress: Unknown, found in my Mom's closet. ;)
Bracelets: California, Justice
Nail Polish: OPI Lincoln Park After Dark

This outfit had lots of dark color. There wasn't much color besides the bracelets, which I just had on, I didn't coordinate. :o

The Princess,

Monday, February 21, 2011

OPI- Lincoln Park After Dark

{Sorry for my terrible nail job.}
Today I'm wearing: Lincoln Park After Dark. I love this nail color. The cool thing about it is that it is actually a dark burgundy, but if you put on enough layers, it looks black. Two colors in one! How cool is that?

Coats: about 4 if you want it to be black.

Perfect For: Everyday, formal affairs.

The Princess,

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Movement { And Horoscope ;) }

Any-who, I was just sitting and looking at the Teen Vouge website for some make up ideas ( Which I'm terrible at may I tell you. he he.) when I came upon the horoscope bit, and being me, I clicked on Libra. This is what I got;


Libra (September 23- October 22)

Mars's influence on your routine house will leave you susceptible to illness. Stay as healthy as possible by skipping the late-night IM'ing and getting plenty of sleep.

Love: Engage in friendly competition over grades with your boyfriend early in the month. Pushing each other to succeed will strengthen your bond.


Cool right? 

Any ways, I was thinking about starting a movement. Yes, a movement

The movement I was thinking of was telling your life story. In this 'Life Story' you tell about your life, up until now. Then you saw what your dream career(s) are. Sound fun?

The Princess,

Spring Trends

Ok, I am like, SOOO exited for spring for 3 reasons;

1.) Warmer weather!!
2.) New makeup trends.
3.) Getting to show the latest fashion trends.

I was looking at Sephora's website for some new nail polish (and for the Glee nail polish. Eep.) and I discovered that orange is the new lip color for spring!

So I found the perfect lip & cheek stain for that. (From their suggestions of course. ;D) I find the color orange on lips is vintage. What do you think?

So, I've got a question for you; Should I do an all orange post in the Spring?

The Orange Princess,

I hate being sick I really do. I'm sorta getting over it, but then the terrible cough comes out of my throat. Blah.

Can I tell you.. er- write my feelings to air?

Ok, that was a little harsh.. I mean if there is anybody who does read this blog, I apoligize for my whining.

Any ways, being sick does, have it's advantages though.

1.) Getting to work on my blog.
2.) Making outfits on Polyvore. :D
3.) Listening & watching Glee.
4.) Snuggling with a good book. {I just finished The Clique Summer Collection: Massie}

Well, I guess I can get SOME fun in when I'm sick. :D

The Princess,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sick Days Aren't Fun. :(

Hello earthlings!! I come to you..


Being sick isn't the funnest thing in the world. It mostly means you spend that day or 2 sitting in your bed or couch, and coughing up a - COUGH. Like that. 

But, I am watching a vintage movie! {You know how much I love vintage, and movies. ;)} It's Cleopatra, the one with Elizabeth Taylor, BEFORE this terrible sickness.

So far it's ok, but I still can't get over the fact that men wore eyeliner. It's a little weird. 

The "brother" is down right annoying. " Give him Poppy's ring." I'm guessing that "Poppy", is their father. Also, everyone who wasn't a royal family member, was a slave. Yeesh.

The Princess,


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Point Of View

* I'm going to write in POV or, Point Of View. :D*

I sat at my computer. I logged into Facebook then went to find the most recent news. I subconsciously started to type his name in the search box. I stopped at the letter "y". I can't, no Lexi. I  thought. I closed my eyes and tried to forget. Ugh, not working. A terrible cough erupted out of my throat. Ouch, that hurt. I don't think I'll be able to sing tonight at practice. Sigh, In attempt to see if my voice was any good, I started singing along to Can You Feel The Love Tonight? My voice cracked and failed to produce the lovely sound it would make if my throat wasn't misbehaving. I mentally laughed at Simon and Pumba crying in the end. If only I could have a smile like this everyday. 

~ Lexi

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Day Full Of Love.. Er...

Guess what today is!

Valentines Day!!!!!

Can I say a confession? I don't really like the holiday... For obvious reasons... sigh.

I do have a crush, I just can't tell if he likes me back, right now seems like he's going for the cheerleader.. Sigh again...

{The Google logo for this special day. <3}
Live, Laugh, Love,
 Lexi <3 <3 <3

Monday, February 7, 2011

A List


I need to write on a computer for once since my hand is cramping. Stupid homework. Yes, I have been swamped today with homework. And you know what day it is? Monday. *sigh* 

I also would like to tell you that the first chapter of my little story ( I wouldn't much call it a 'novel' exactly.) is finished. Onto chapter 2!!!

On another note, my phone isn't liking me at the moment. *glances at phone* Arg. I installed the " new system thingy" and it hasn't liked me since. >_<

At least my good ol' laptop works. :D

Nerd Glasses Are Epic,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Confessions: 1

{ This idea goes to Carlotta. I was inspired so I had to do this. I have A LOT of confessions.}

Confession:  I am angry. >_<

Confession: I edited a photo to make me look like I was a vampire coming to get the victim. 0_0 *Backing away slowly.*

Be scared AND jealous. 

 Confession: I haven't done my homework yet. I didn't have school today. But Ms.Greene {My science teacher.} gave us homework that is due tomorrow. *Crosses fingers for snowday* 

 Er, I can't think of any more, well right now anyways. Guess I should go do that science homework....

Nerd Glasses Are Epic,

Etsy Goodies *Faints From Awesomeness*

*Virtually screams at screen*


I have found thee most wonderful things I have ever seen in my life. *Faints again*


The awesome thing about this camera? It's only $15.95. :D :D :D :D


For when I get some pen pals, Anyone?




 Oh, and thank you to the people who have looked at my treasury on Etsy! I got 15 views and 5 clicks. I also thank the 2 owners commenting and the one user commenting saying it's a good treasury. You can view my first treasury HERE.

Nerd Glasses Are Epic,

The Epic Blizard

Please note: I took these photos last night during the storm. Don't worry I didn't like go outside, I stood at the door. :D

Thank you to  Olivia from Horse Feathers for the idea.I think the came out pretty well. These are all SOOC except for the logo.{SOOC means Straight Out Of Camera.}

 Nerd Glasses Are Epic,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Handwriting Tag

I was looking on Allie's blog and she had a hand writing tag! She said anyone could do it so I took her offer and did it myself. :D
1. What is your name/your Blogger name?
2. What is your blog name/URL?
3. Write "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
4. Favorite quote
5. Your favorite song
6. Your favorite bands/singers.
7. Anything else you want to say?
8. Tag 3-5 other people.

 Yes, I do love some good late night posting. {Of course not on school nights. I'd be nuts. I have to get up at 6 am. Gah.}

Nerd Glasses Are Epic,

Winter Whispers

Edit @ 7:28 - I OFFICIALLY don't have school on Wednesday. :D I went around screaming like a mad woman. :p  

Ok, That last post is making me irked. >_<

Anyways, Onto what is truly and most utterly important. It will be thee most EPIC snowstorm in Michigan {Where I live if you didn't catch on.} The weather man is *saying* that it will be the most snow we've had this winter. Of course, kids/teens only care about one thing when it comes to a lot of snow...


I am happy to announce that I am hoping to go outside and take some more winter photos. Hoping. I am also writing my story. :D

            My lovely dog Daisy on New Years. Sorry for the terrible quality. Low light isn't my friend. :(

                                           The cross process makes it look lovely. Epicness.

{I LOVE winterize. Swoon yet again...}     

 Nerd Glasses Are Epic,