Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Point Of View

* I'm going to write in POV or, Point Of View. :D*

I sat at my computer. I logged into Facebook then went to find the most recent news. I subconsciously started to type his name in the search box. I stopped at the letter "y". I can't, no Lexi. I  thought. I closed my eyes and tried to forget. Ugh, not working. A terrible cough erupted out of my throat. Ouch, that hurt. I don't think I'll be able to sing tonight at practice. Sigh, In attempt to see if my voice was any good, I started singing along to Can You Feel The Love Tonight? My voice cracked and failed to produce the lovely sound it would make if my throat wasn't misbehaving. I mentally laughed at Simon and Pumba crying in the end. If only I could have a smile like this everyday. 

~ Lexi

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