Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winter Whispers

Edit @ 7:28 - I OFFICIALLY don't have school on Wednesday. :D I went around screaming like a mad woman. :p  

Ok, That last post is making me irked. >_<

Anyways, Onto what is truly and most utterly important. It will be thee most EPIC snowstorm in Michigan {Where I live if you didn't catch on.} The weather man is *saying* that it will be the most snow we've had this winter. Of course, kids/teens only care about one thing when it comes to a lot of snow...


I am happy to announce that I am hoping to go outside and take some more winter photos. Hoping. I am also writing my story. :D

            My lovely dog Daisy on New Years. Sorry for the terrible quality. Low light isn't my friend. :(

                                           The cross process makes it look lovely. Epicness.

{I LOVE winterize. Swoon yet again...}     

 Nerd Glasses Are Epic,

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