Thursday, February 24, 2011

Funny Things

How to start this post? 

Uh, Lexi?

You just started the post with that.

Oh, I did, thank you Mind.
You're always welcome, since I came up with this post stuff anyways...

A funny thing that happened today was during my English class. I sit next to this boy named John, He's a friend, I was wearing a headband today and he likes to take my stuff, so he grabbed it off my head and stuck it on his head.
John: This hurts! How do you wear this?!
Me: I'm a girl. I'm used to it. Because they're made for girls
John: Still though, HOW do you wear THIS?!
Me: I'm a girl.

We actually had a really old sub for today, so he was totally out of it. John tried waving at him. Like really 'waving' at him. {Imagine a boy with brown short hair waving his arms in a big motion. Yep, that's my friend for ya.}

Another funny thing is that he got a hair cut, and he called the little part that sticks up and out, 'The Wing'. 

Also, can you believe it's Thursday? I can't.

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